Eat Together
Day 1: Wed, Mar 1317:00 Registration 18:00 Dinner 20:00 Opening Session
Day 2: Thu, Mar 1408:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 1: The Five-Fold Ministries 11:45 Plenary 2: The Evangelist Today 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary 3: Stoking The Fire Of Evangelism 15:45 Break 16:00 Plenary 4: Redefining The Teacher
Day 3: Fri, Mar 1508:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 5: Imparting From The Word To The World 11:45 Plenary 6: Creating The Right Atmosphere 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Workshop 1: From Connection To Conversion Workshop 2: Imparting for Impact: Establishing Good Christian Education 15:45 Break 16:00 Workshop 3: Developing A Lifestyle of Evangelism Workshop 4: Effective Teaching in Today's World 17:15 Break 18:30 Missions Fiesta 20:00 Missions Rally
Day 4: Sat, Mar 1610:30 Apostolic Impartation 11:30 Break 11:45 Plenary 7: In Conversation: Raising the NextGen 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Closing Session 15:30 Break 17:00 Missions Weekend
Conversations to get to know one another:

(with Mandarin interpretation)

(ages 13-20)

(ages 7-12)
Children Track sign up closes on Sun, May 19
Rev Gerald Tan
Lead Pastor, Trinity Christian Centre
A gifted preacher, blessed with an apostolic and prophetic anointing. Rev Gerald Tan’s ministry is marked by an unrelenting passion for God, for His church and for souls. His desire is to raise and release disciples of Christ to fulfil their God-given destinies in the kingdom of God.

Pastor Philip Lyn
Senior Pastor, Skyline SIB, Malaysia
Pastor Philip Lyn is a medical doctor, author, founder and senior pastor of Skyline SIB, Malaysia. He leads a team of bi-vocational pastors who integrate secular work and church ministry as one calling and who believe prayer is the key to revival in the workplace and in the nations.

Rev David Hall
Senior Pastor, Revival City Church, Australia
Rev David Hall has a passion to see the supernatural power of God at work in lives. He ministers widely at churches and conferences around the world. Through his ministry, many have been saved, healed, filled with God’s presence, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God with a fresh passion.
0830 - 0930 Registration and Welcome
0845 - 0945 Eat Together: Breakfast
(All Tracks)
1000 - 1200 Opening Service
1200 - 1400 Eat Together: Lunch
1400 - 1530 Plenary 1
1530 - 1600 Tea Break
1600 - 1630 Play Together
1630 - 1800 Plenary 2
0930 - 1100 Plenary 3
1100 - 1200 Play Together
1200 - 1400 Eat Together: Lunch
1400 - 1530 Plenary 4
Concurrent Youth Track
1530 - 1600 Tea Break
1600 - 1730 Closing Service
(All Tracks)​
1730 - 2000 Eat Together: Dinner
2000 - 2200 Night Rally
(Open to All)
1000 - 1300 Family Carnival
(Open to All)
Please note:
Main and Youth Tracks are combined for all sessions except for Plenary 4
Lunch and Dinner will not be provided
Day 1: Wed, Mar 1317:00 Registration 18:00 Dinner 20:00 Opening Session
Day 2: Thu, Mar 1408:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 1: The Five-Fold Ministries 11:45 Plenary 2: The Evangelist Today 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary 3: Stoking The Fire Of Evangelism 15:45 Break 16:00 Plenary 4: Redefining The Teacher
Day 3: Fri, Mar 1508:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 5: Imparting From The Word To The World 11:45 Plenary 6: Creating The Right Atmosphere 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Workshop 1: From Connection To Conversion Workshop 2: Imparting for Impact: Establishing Good Christian Education 15:45 Break 16:00 Workshop 3: Developing A Lifestyle of Evangelism Workshop 4: Effective Teaching in Today's World 17:15 Break 18:30 Missions Fiesta 20:00 Missions Rally
Day 4: Sat, Mar 1610:30 Apostolic Impartation 11:30 Break 11:45 Plenary 7: In Conversation: Raising the NextGen 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Closing Session 15:30 Break 17:00 Missions Weekend
Frequently Asked Questions