Starting in 2025

Five cutting
edge programs
designed to train and develop pastors and ministers for effective ministries, fulfilling God's mandate of kingdom expansion and building of strong churches.
in Pastoral Leadership
Strategic Leadership

Critical Thinking
Effective Ministry
​This program is designed for senior and executive-level pastors who wish to experience a breakthrough in their pastoral leadership, and to lead with critical & strategic thinking, so as to fulfil God’s vision for their church.
This program will equip pastors and leaders to disciple the NextGen (from birth to college) holistically in the local church to catch a vision and purpose for their lives and their generation, and to raise and release NextGen leaders who love and build the church together.
Developing the NextGen Ministries
Unlocking the
5-fold Ministries
This program will bring an impartation of the five-fold ministries to senior and executive-level pastors, enabling them to lead their churches with a greater anointing and to see these gifts and ministries unleashed in the local church, building up the body of Christ to maturity and equipping everyone to serve effectively.
A growing church requires a holistic discipleship structure. This program is designed for senior and executive-level pastors looking to or involved in establishing core ministries such as prayer, inner healing and deliverance, worship and the creative arts, audio-visual, church administration, media and communications in their church.
Core Ministries in
the church

Inner Healing & Deliverance
Creative Arts
This is a foundational program designed for aspiring church planters. Whether you are a missionary, pastor, leader or a Christian on fire for God, you will learn the principles, models and skills of planting a strong church, including operations, pastoral ministries, navigating culture, missiology and governance.
Launch program:
Breakthrough in
Pastoral Leadership
Start date: March 3, 2025
Attend the
Pastors Conference
March 5-8 in person
after the Conference
from April to May
Participants will...

Application for 2025 is now closed
$800 SGD /
$600 USD

$300 SGD /
$220 USD
dormitory with 4 beds
$750 SGD /
$550 USD

twin room for married couples only
Day 1: Wed, Mar 1317:00 Registration 18:00 Dinner 20:00 Opening Session
Day 2: Thu, Mar 1408:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 1: The Five-Fold Ministries 11:45 Plenary 2: The Evangelist Today 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Plenary 3: Stoking The Fire Of Evangelism 15:45 Break 16:00 Plenary 4: Redefining The Teacher
Day 3: Fri, Mar 1508:30 Registration 09:00 Apostolic Impartation 10:00 Tea Break 10:30 Plenary 5: Imparting From The Word To The World 11:45 Plenary 6: Creating The Right Atmosphere 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Workshop 1: From Connection To Conversion Workshop 2: Imparting for Impact: Establishing Good Christian Education 15:45 Break 16:00 Workshop 3: Developing A Lifestyle of Evangelism Workshop 4: Effective Teaching in Today's World 17:15 Break 18:30 Missions Fiesta 20:00 Missions Rally
Day 4: Sat, Mar 1610:30 Apostolic Impartation 11:30 Break 11:45 Plenary 7: In Conversation: Raising the NextGen 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Closing Session 15:30 Break 17:00 Missions Weekend